Why bug sweeping your vehicles?
Have you been tailed? Have you had the feeling of being eavesdropped or spied on? Have you noticed any people knowing your personal information? You should definitely check your vehicles.
Which kind of bugs can we find in your car?
Small bugs can record images and sounds for weeks. This devices use mobile networks as GSM, UMTS or LTE. The most common are GPS locators which can be hidden both inside and outside your vehicle: this is how your chaser always knows where you are. Apart from bugs, there are also non-transmitting devices as small audio recorders.
How is this service carried out?
Thanks to our professional and trained team, we are able to find any possible bug or recorder in your vehicles.
How much is a bug sweeping service for your vehicle?
On average, this service costs from 500 to 900 euros (taxes excluded).
How much time do we need for bug sweeping your vehicle?
We usually carry out this service in 45-60 minutes.