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Why bug sweeping your company?

Data protection is always more important and you should rely on professionals of this field. Are you suspicious of any possible information disclosure? Have you noticed any irregularity in your employees and partners’ behaviour? Any sudden resignation? Bug sweeping and countersurveillance are the necessary services to protect your confidential data.

Which kind of bugs can we find in your company?

Small bugs can record images and sounds for weeks. This devices use mobile networks as GSM, UMTS, LTE or WI-FI and can be hidden in offices and companies by disloyal employees, partners or personnel. These people might be corrupted by competitors or even someone inside the company. Apart from bugs, there are also non-transmitting devices as small audio recorders. Thanks to our new technology we are also capable of finding these devices.

How do we carry out bug sweeping your company?

Our trained and skilled detectives go to your company, discretion guaranteed; they check the building both inside and outside your offices and provide a detailed report. We can also locate where exactly the bugs are hidden.

How much is a bug sweeping service for your business?

The costs depend on the number of rooms, on the rooms’ dimensions and on the type of devices. We provide a free consultancy, on request.

How much time do we need for bug sweeping your company?

We can operate from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the number of rooms, on the dimensions, on the location and on the huge presence of signals (usually in industrialized areas or multilevel offices).

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